"Discovery channel"


torstaina, kesäkuuta 03, 2004

So it has taken me four hundred and eleven days (if my math is correct) to do something with my account. I guess I can say (to make me feel better) that I used this time to explore and...fuck! There is no reason to simply lie! I used this time to do shit! What I remember is that I spent an inappropriate time on the couch watching TV. Actually I must admit that I also remember enjoying it quite a lot. But still most people(the reasonable ones) would classify that as "doing shit".
But today for some reason I felt different. I haven't found out if it's a good thing or if it isn't. Yet. And I also haven't found the reason why. It might have something to do with my dream last night where I was a baked patient in the airport that had just stolen a Cadillac in order to get there in time. But all the doctors were saying that I have simply made all this up that I did not steal anything and that I do not have a plane to catch. That I had simply made up everything. Then I woke up slightly harebrained and had NO FUCKING idea what the dream meant. Not that I ever do. But I was just plainly fed up with all these bizarre dreams that I've had for the last probably four hundred and eleven days. I like to use that time-frame because I think that when my account was opened on Saturday, April 19th, 2003, it was my opportunity to write something somewhere as I had before at school(because I think writing is healthy and keeps you away from bad things..:). But for some reason I chose not to write anything at all, anywhere. Maybe I spent all the nights seeing adventurous and weird dreams, cause as I said before I didn't do shit during the daytime. Today I decided to get rid of these dreams by channeling my imagination somewhere else instead of using it in my journeys at night.
alright! I found the reason why and I found out that it's a good thing feeling different this morning. I'm not saying that all the other mornings in the past I've felt the same, cause it looks like that's what I was saying but I was not. Or maybe I was. Perkele, this is confusing. I hope you get what I mean.