Big. Huge.
You guessed right. I did the thing I shouldn't have done. I gave my address to my English teacher. What? That wasn't your guess!! Anyhoee...There really wasn't a way out of it. And for those who don't know: I did organize myself and went to school. Finally.
I have two classes. History and English Composition I. So at my English class we were asked if we practiced any creative activities. I of course considered myself highly creative, after all I do express my feelings on a site that nobody reads. And I did kind of paint at one point. (I forgot to mention my baking, but this is something that comes to me so naturally it's not really being creative anymore). So as a result of this my address ended up written down on a paper at my teacher's desk. It was all over. My fairly good knowledge of the dirty-words dictionary had to be buried away. There just isn't any way you show your English teacher bad words on your writings. Also I had to send a farewell to topics that are of the sensitive nature. I should also take a better look at my grammar. But I'm sure he understands the nature of this type of writing. It's more a train of thought that you try to catch, rather than a rewritten and proofread piece. (Am I defending myself from something now?)
So why am I even concerned? Shouldn't I be more confident of my work? This was something that took me by surprise. Why was I more conscious? Is it a bad thing?
But now when I know someone of this kind of importance to me has my address I feel nervous. Then again I feel nervous when my husband reads my posts. So all things considered I think it's only natural. Everyday I fear my mom is going to read it(I did give her the address). I'm not really nervous because what my site consists but how it was written. I basically write for no one. I do not know who is going to read it and this makes me more comfortable at my writing. A stranger doesn't really know anything about me expect what I write. This gives me freedom. I can "socialize" without people.
P.S. I did erase some of the curse words used in my stories. I just can't deal with it.
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