"Discovery channel"


tiistaina, kesäkuuta 08, 2004


So we were on our way to the beach and all of the sudden I smelled something completely out of context..I said:"It smells like that car just farted" and my husband goes "Oh no it was just a skunk"..Just A skunk!!!! What the Fuji!! I had never heard of a skunk that could stink up the car when we were going 80 miles an hour (keep in mind that I'm from somewhere else and I never really received fact-based information about this animal).

But apparently this was a rather common stink. So as I was curiously asking questions like how far and how bad can this odor stink up it's environment, a question came up in my mind; "Why the Fuji can't this animal smell and get scared the shit out of it's own stink?"

And as we were both quiet, we came up with the same resolution, which really isn't anything revolutionary; it's the same thing as loving your own farts. Just think of the time when you stunk so bad you couldn't handle it.....Nope. There aren't any. Am I right or am I right? The more "aromatic" your odor is the more satisfied you are with it.

Ok, I realize this is getting pretty funky and most of the people already have came up with these discoveries..It's just that this was my moment.

P.S. My Spell Checker just recommended parted instead of farted. And forts instead of farts.