"Discovery channel"


lauantaina, heinäkuuta 31, 2004

favorite radiohead.




the parents

home street

home in the yellow house

sunset at 11.04 pm

tiistaina, heinäkuuta 27, 2004

A list. Plus couple others.

You know I just wrote this huge thing about everything and I fucking had to press the back button and I fucking lost everything!!!!!! I 'm so pissed there is no end to it! I fucking hate computers and I'm not going to write anything ever again to a computer so you can consider this my farewell to this shit! I'm done this whole thing sucks and I'm going to curse whenever I see a computer again!!!! Which is everytime I go from the kitchen to the livingroom. Fuck it! I'm done. This is going to be my last post.

I like lists. They are funfunfunfunfunfunfunfun Ok, this is confusing. There are many weird things on top that weren't there before. I'm supposed to choose my font. Why, why does it have to be so damn complicated! I liked it when it was simple. No choices. Now I can't go back to the old font , cause I have choice. This is making me pissy. It's affecting me more than I want it to. I'm just going to stick with this one. Who the hell cares, it's my last post anyhow.

alright. Here are couple lists. I started liking lists when I read Naive.Super by Erlend Loe. You really don't have to think that much. It's pretty convenient at this time in the morning. (Bytheway I just called my husband and cried and said I lost my post! I don't think he truly understood what I was saying. He probably thought something was wrong and then I'm just crying at the other end about my post. Truly I wanted to yell at him and tell him it was his fault. That would feel good, I wouldn't have to yell and cry to a fucking computer. I love him though, he tried his best to comfort me..."When you press the back-button, you loose it" Thanks babe, I couldn't figure that one out myself. He tried, points for him. I'm still so pissed though. I personally hate reading about people that just wrote a whole thing about everything and then they lost it--you feel so bad for them and then you know you missed out big time and that you are reading some second version of it that you know was written with anger.)Anyhoe, the list.

These are things that I like to do

pick my nose---eat it
fart----smell it
eat when I'm not hungry
making sure everyone knows how long my hair has grown
not brushing my teeth in the morning
waiting for someone to say something offending and then snap and yell at them
watching news and become desperate of our future
setting the alarm clock early so that I can wake up and shut it(having set another one that wakes you at the right time)
eating sloppy
scratching myself
feeling sorry for myself
hating other people
complaining about work
sleeping twelve hours and feeling dizzy afterwards
eating dessert first
pretending to be someone
fuck off everyone
swimming naked
complaining about nightmares
making sure everyone gets a headache when I have one
making sure people know that I'm getting hungry/ hungry or starving
not listening other peoples problems
talking about myself
ignoring people
talking so that people don't understand me
complaining about the music
following clouds
eating icecream

here is a list about things that I love about Finland

open fields
people who don't express their feelings
dark winter
light summer

here are things that I hate about Finland

open fields
people who don't express their feelings
dark winter
light summer

now it is goodbye and moimoi. I hate computers therewith I prefer paper. Read my book after I've written it.